WI 12th Inf Co C. Residence: Perry, Dane County, Wisconsin. Born in Nissedal, Telemark, Norway. Civil War: Age 21. Private. Re-enlisted for three years on 5 Jan 1864 at Natchez, Mississippi. Wounded in the Battle of Atlanta. Post war: Granted a pension of $8 a month because of a wound to his left illium. Buried at Perry, Daleyville “15 Jan 1842 – 7 Jan 1902”. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 box 58-14) (Ulvestad p284) (Wisconsin Cemetery Records) (“Pensioners on the Roll as of January 1, 1883 (living in Wisconsin)”, Park Genealogical Books, Roseville, Minnesota publ. 1998.) “Grimstvedt, Ole”