WI 43rd Inf Co I. Residence: Primrose, Dane County, Wisconsin. Born “Gjermund Hansen Laagergaard” on 19 Sep 1836 at Rollag, Norway, son of Hans Gjermundsen Laagergaard and Sigri Persdatter Valle. He came to America with his parents and brother Gunnul on “Emilie”, which sailed from Gothenburg, Sweden, and arrived in New York on 12 Aug 1840. They came to the Jefferson Prairie settlement in Wisconsin. Civil War: Farmer. Age 28. Unmarried. Blue eyes, auburn hair, light complexion, 5’11”. Commissioned 16 Sep 1864 at Madison, Wisconsin. Mustered for one year on 29 Sep 1864 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as Captain of the company. Mustered out with his company on 24 Jun 1865 at Nashville, Tennessee. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 box 178-10; red book vol 48; blue book 49) (Quiner p 859) (Naeseth ’40-45)