MN 8th Inf Co D. Residence: Arendahl, Fillmore County, Minnesota. Born “Johan Trulsen Mael” in Norway. One of five sons of Truls Hermundsson Mael to serve in the Civil war. Civil War: Age 18. Enrolled 20 Aug 1862. Mustered 17 Nov 1862. Private. Served in Indian and Civil wars. His unit was sent first to fight in the Indian wars. Was in the battle of Killdeer Mountain, Dakota Territory, 28 Jul 1864. Later the 8th fought at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and in the battle of Kingston. Discharged from the service with his regiment, 11 Jul 1865. Sources: (MINN p382) (MCIW p407) (“History of Fillmore County”, publ 1912, p151) (Sharon Buethner )