MN Mounted Rangers, 1st Regiment, Co H. Residence: Guthrie, Faribault County, Minnesota. Born in Roraas, Norway. Civil War: Age 22. Enrolled 14 Nov 1862. Mustered 5 Dec 1862. Private. Served in Indian and Civil wars. Discharged from the service with his company, 24 Nov 1863. A year later, on 4 Oct 1864, he enlisted again, this time in MN 1st Reg Hv Arty Co D. Private. Discharged with his company on 27 Sep 1865. Post war: He adopted the name Lien. In 1890, he was living in Delavan, Faribault County, Minnesota. Sources: (MINN p583, 664) (MCIW p536) (Ulvestad p307) (1890 Veterans and Widows Census, Minnesota, No.123, roll 22) “Lien, Ellef J.”