WI 15th Inf Co K. Residence: Fillmore County, Minnesota. Civil War: Age 21. Unmarried. Blue eyes, blond hair, fair complexion, 5’10”. Farmer. Enlisted for three years on 11 Feb 1862 in Fillmore County and mustered at Madison, Wisconsin, the same day (?). Private. Left sick at Mississippi River Island No. 10 on 11 Jun 1862. In hospital at Farmington, Mississippi, in July, 1862. Died of chronic diarrhea at the general hospital at Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, Missouri, 6 Aug 1862. Buried there; section 10, grave 8. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 boxes 76-12, 77-8; red book vol 20 p148) (Buslett p640) (Ulvestad p324) (Ager p319)