MN 2nd Inf Co E. Residence: Martell, Pierce County, Wisconsin. Born on 8 Sep 1845 in Modum, Norway, a son of Thomas Haugen. Came to America with his parents in 1860 to Martell. Civil War: Age 18. Enlisted 24 Feb 1864. Mustered 24 Feb 1864. Private. Said to have been with Sherman’s march to the sea. Discharged from the service with his regiment, 11 Jul 1865. Married Aaste Marie Jacobson on 5 Apr 1868 and moved to Gilman, Pierce County, and later to Seeley, Sawyer County, Wisconsin. Eleven children. Thompson died Sources: (MINN p84) (MCIW p135) Pierce County Obituaries, Pam Long “Thomason, Johan” “Hagensen, John”