NIELSON, HaakonWI 15th Inf Co G. Residence: Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin. Civil War: Age 25. Unmarried. Enlisted for three years on 16 Jan 1862 at Madison…Tags:NWI 15th Inf Co G.Wisconsin
NIELSON, JacobIA 27th Inf Co B. Residence: Allamakee County, Iowa. Born in Norway. Civil War: Age 31. Enlisted 14 Mar 1864. Mustered 6 Apr 1864. Private.…Tags:NIA 27th Inf Co B.Iowa
NIELSON, JensMN Indian War: “Citizen Soldiers engaged in the Sioux Indian war of 1862”. The St. Peter Frontier Guards, on duty at New Ulm during the…Tags:NCitizen Soldiers
NIELSON, NelsMN Indian War: “Citizen Soldiers engaged in the Sioux Indian war of 1862”. The St. Peter Frontier Guards, on duty at New Ulm, Minnesota, during…Tags:NCitizen SoldiersMinnesota
NIELSON, SorenWI 3rd Inf Co E. Civil War: Age 38. Joined 5 May 1861. Private. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 box 11)Tags:NWI 3rd Inf Co E.
NIELSEN, HenrickWI 15th Inf Co C. Residence: Raymond, Racine County, Wisconsin. Civil War: Age 18. Unmarried. Enlisted for three years on 26 Dec 1861 at Madison,…Tags:NWI 15th Inf Co C.Wisconsin
NIELSEN, JacobWI 15th Inf Co C. Residence: Norway Township, Racine County, Wisconsin. Born 11 Apr 1819, the son of Nils Larson and Britha Jacobsdatter Nyhus. Married…Tags:NWI 15th Inf Co C.Wisconsin
NIELSEN, JamesNY 1st Inf Co I. Residence: Brooklyn, New York. Civil War: Private. Sources: (Rygg p47)Tags:NNY 1st Inf Co I.New York
NIELSEN, LarsWI 44th Inf Co D. Residence: Little Wolf, Waupaca County, Wisconsin. Born in Denmark. Civil War: Age 36. Farmer. Married. Blue eyes, dark hair, fair…Tags:NWI 44th Inf Co D.Wisconsin
NIELSEN, LorentsWI 15th Inf Co A. Residence: Chicago, Illinois. Civil War: Age 30. Unmarried. Enlisted for three years on 25 Nov 1861 at Chicago. Mustered 2…Tags:NWI 15th Inf Co A.Illinois
NIELSEN, NielsWI 15th Inf Co C. Residence: Raymond, Racine County, Wisconsin. Civil War: Age 33. Unmarried. Enlisted for three years on 9 Nov 1861 at Madison,…Tags:NWI 15th Inf Co C.Wisconsin