NERISON, AsmundWI 15th Inf Co H. Residence: Perry, Dane County, Wisconsin. Civil War: Age 19. Unmarried. Enlisted for three years on 1 Dec 1861 at Moscow,…Tags:NWI 15th Inf Co H.Wisconsin
NERISON, NeriWI 3rd Inf Co C. Residence: Upper Coon Valley, Vernon County, Wisconsin. Born in Norway. Civil War: Farmer. Age 36. Blue eyes, light hair, florid…Tags:NWI 3rd Inf Co C.Wisconsin
NERISON, OleWI. Civil War: Private. Killed in action. Sources: (“Coon Valley”, publ 1928 by Upper Coon Valley, Wisconsin, Norwegian Lutheran Church.)Tags:N
NERISON, TorgesWI 23rd Inf Co I. Residence: Burke, Wisconsin. Civil War: Unmarried. Age 19. Enlisted on 15 Aug 1862 at Burke. Mustered 30 Aug 1862 at…Tags:NWI 23rd Inf Co I.Wisconsin
NERJOR, Ole O.WI 15th Inf Co H. Residence: Sheldon, Minnesota. (or Clermont, Iowa). Civil War: Age 21. Unmarried. Enlisted for three years on 30 Jan 1862 at…Tags:NWI 15th Inf Co H.Minnesota
NEROS, SevereMN 2nd Inf Co D. Residence: St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Born in France. Civil War: Age 25. Enrolled 1 Jul 1861. Mustered 5 Jul…Tags:NMN 2nd Inf Co D.Minnesota
NERVESTAD, ChristianFrom Kristiania (Oslo), Norway. Civil War: Private. Post war: Lived at Sacred Heart, Minnesota. Sources: (Ulvestad p313) “Narvestad, Christian” “Olson, Christian” “Rongerud, Christian”Tags:NMinnesota
NERVIG, OleFrom Olen, Norway. Civil War: Private. Post war: Lived at Harby, Iowa. Sources: (Ulvestad p313)Tags:NIowa
NELSON, TorkelCivil War: Private. Post war: Died in Kenyon, Minnesota. (before 1907). Sources: (Ulvestad p313)Tags:NMinnesota
NELSON, TostenWI 47th Inf Co D. Residence: Scandinavia, Waupaca County, Wisconsin. Born “Tosten Nilsen Quien” on 15 Mar 1826 at Vang, Valdres, Norway. Married to Sidsel…Tags:NWI 47th Inf Co D.Wisconsin
NELSON, WilliamTX 11th Cav Co B. CSA. Born about 1832 in Norway. Civil War: Enlisted for the war on 4 Aug 1862 at Sabine Pass, Jefferson…Tags:NTX 11th Cav Co B. CSA.
NELSON, William B.WI 31st Inf Co C. Residence: Dodgeville, Iowa County, Wisconsin. Civil War: Age 22. Unmarried. Enlisted for three years on 14 Aug 1862 at Dodgeville.…Tags:NWI 31st Inf Co C.Wisconsin