MN Indian War: “Citizen Soldiers engaged in the Sioux Indian war of 1862”. The Scandinavian Guards, organized in Nicollet County, 27 Aug 1862, and who…
WI 35th Inf Co F. Residence: Christiania, Dane County, Wisconsin. Civil War: Age 24. Enlisted for three years on 20 Jan 1864 at Janesville, Wisconsin.…
MN Lt Arty 1st Battalion. Residence: Winona County, Minnesota. Born in Norway. Civil War: Age 39. Mustered 21 Nov 1861. Private. Re-enlisted 1 Jan 1864.…
WI 15th Inf Co I. Residence: Elk Mound, Eau Claire County, Wisconsin. Born “Bersven Nilson” at Ovre Fleskemo, Maalselvedalen, Troms, Finmark, Norway. Left with his…
WI 33rd Inf Co K. Residence: Dunkirk, Dane County, Wisconsin. Born in Denmark. Civil War: Age 23. Farmer. Unmarried. Blue eyes, dark hair, light complexion,…