TX 15th Inf Co I. CSA. Residence: Bosque County, TX. Born “Andreas Smeland” about 1832 at Arendahl, Norway. Civil War: Enlisted for the duration of the war on 17 Jul 1862 at Corsicana, Texas. Private. Absent without leave during March and April 1863. Sick in camp during November and December 1863. Detailed to the Quartermaster department February through April 1864. Sick in camp during May and June 1864. Assigned extra duty as regimental blacksmith from mid-August 1864. On furlough from 20 Dec 1864 into February; then returned to the Quartermaster department until April 1865 when the 15th was disbanded. Post war: Lived in LaSalle County, IL. Died in Bosque County, Texas [according to Ulvestad] in 1892. Buried in Norway Cemetery, Norway, LaSalle County, IL. Sources: (“Norwegian Soldiers in Confederate Forces” by C.A.Clausen & Derwood Johnson, publ. in Norwegian-American Studies, volume 25, Northfield, Minnesota. p115) (Ulvestad p334) (www.borgerkrigen.info) (1860 United States Federal Census) (Find a Grave, Memorial ID 49816989) (email, Bruce Wiland, 17 Apr 2017)