WI 30th Inf Co B. Residence: Dodgeville, Iowa County, Wisconsin. Born in Norway. Came to Wisconsin in 1850. He was a brother of Andrew Anderson and Tory Anderson, both union soldiers. Civil War: Farmer. Age 25. Unmarried. Blue eyes, light hair, light complexion, 5’10½”. Enlisted for three years at Dodgeville on 21 Aug 1862. Mustered at Madison, Wisconsin, on 21 Oct 1862. Private. Sick at post hospital in Frankfort, Kentucky. On 7 Apr 1865, he was at Fort Union, Dakota Territory, protecting settlers. He was on furlough at Dodgeville when his regiment was discharged. He was mustered out 15 Aug 1865 at Madison. Post war: Reported to have died in Kansas. Sources: (WHS red book vol 35) (Larsen p35) (Letter, Great nephew Maurice Ranum, Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin)