From Land, Norway. Civil War: Private. Served in Indian war 1862-1863, and in Civil war 1863-1865. Post war: Died in Zumbrota, Minnesota, 1903. Sources: (Ulvestad…
IL 57th Inf Co K. Residence: Hamilton, Lee County, Illinois. Born in Norway. Civil War: Farmer. Age 19. Gray eyes, light hair, fair complexion, 5’10½”.…
WI 45th Inf Co F. Residence: Windsor, Dane County, Wisconsin. Enlistment credited to Vienna, Dane County. Born in Bergen, Norway. Civil War: Harnessmaker. Age 25.…
US Navy. Born in Norway, son of Admiral Peter Assersen. First World War: Served as a special engineer on General Pershing’s staff. Sources: (Rygg, p50)