WI 15th Inf Co A. Residence: Chicago, Illinois. Norwegian. Born in Denmark in June 1832. Came to the US in 1861. Civil War: Unmarried. Enlisted for three years on 25 Nov 1861 at Chicago. Mustered at Madison, Wisconsin, 27 Dec 1861. Musician. Private. Mustered out with his company on 20 Dec 1864, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Married Emma Johnson in 1866. Four sons. In 1902, he was living in Albert Lea, Minnesota, working as a gardener and carpenter. Died 4 Feb 1912. Buried in Graceland Cemetery. In his GAR history list, he stated that he had been wounded at Chickamauga, Georgia. He said he took part in the battles for Mississippi River Island No. 10, Perryville, Murfreesburo, Chickamauga, and Missionary Ridge. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 box 76-3; red book vol 20, p14; blue book vol 20, p12) (Buslett p346) (Ager p291) (Ulvestad p273) (Meeker) (FCHS Albert Lea GAR post records) “Boye, Adolf”