WI 22nd Inf Co G. Residence: Wiota Township, Lafayette County, Wisconsin. Born “Hovel Johannesen Brænnum” on 20 Jan 1844 at Nordre Land, Oppland, Norway, son of Johannes Hovelsen Brænnum and Ingeborg Hovelsdatter Ovre Hasli. Came to America with his parents and two sisters on “Fremad”, sailing from Drammen and reaching New York on 25 Aug 1848. They came to Wiota Towmship. Civil War: Private. Said to have been wounded during General Sherman’s march to the sea. Post war: Became a farmer in Gratiot Township, Lafayette County. Married Anne (1840-1920). Died 4 Sep 1896 at Gratiot. Buried at West Wiota, Woodford, Wisconsin. Sources: (Ulvestad p273) (Wisconsin Cemetery Records) (Oudenstad p120) (Naeseth ’48-1385) (Hedberg) “Brenum, Havel J.”