WI 49th Inf Co C. Residence: Christiana, Vernon County, Wisconsin. Born 4 May 1843 at Lårdal, Telemark, Norway, son of Bjørguf Sigursen Tveten and Margith Aslaksdatter. Came to America with his parents on the “Louis Philippe”, out of Havre, France, reaching New York on 21 Saug 1845. Civil War: Farmer. Age 22. Blue eyes, light hair, sandy complexion, 6’4”. Enlisted for one year on 15 Feb 1865 at La Crosse, Wisconsin. Mustered there the same day. Bounty $100, $33.33 paid. Private. Post war: He adopted the name “Burns”. Married on 30 Mar 1867 to Ingeborg Trondsdatter Lindevigen. Fifteen children. Moved in 1871 to Leenthrop Township, Chippewa County, Minnesota, and in 1887 to Stonham Township, Chippewa County. He died 8 Feb 1920. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 box 193-5,13,21) (Naeseth ’45-977) “Burgurson, Sigur” “Tveten, Sigur” “Burns, Sig”