WI 31st Inf Co E. Residence: Moscow, Iowa County, Wisconsin. Born “Hans Evensen Kjustrud” on 30 Jun 1826, son of Even Andedrsen Kjustrud and Anne Dorothea. Civil War: Age 36. Married. Enlisted for three years on 18 Aug 1862 at Moscow. Mustered 9 Oct 1862 at Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. Private. Mustered out 20 Jun 1865 near Louisville, Kentucky. Post war: He was married on 3 Sep 1882 to Berit Knudsdatter Syverud, widow of Harold Haraldsen Stugard. Two children. Buried at Mt. Horeb Union Cemetery, Wisconsin; stone reads “1826 – 1923”. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 box 145-14; red book vol 36) (Wisconsin Cemetery Records) (Naeseth-Hedberg ’49-2550) “Evanson, Hans” “Evenson, Hans”