MN 1st Inf Co ?. Residence not shown. Born in Norway. Civil War: Age 18. Enrolled 29 Feb 1864. Mustered the same day. Private. Promoted to Corporal. Wounded in Battle at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (1-3 Jul 1863). Wounded 22 Jun 1864 near Petersburg. This unit became part of the Minnesota 1st Battalion of Infantry Company A. Discharged from the service with his battalion, 14 Jul 1865. Post war: Edward Erickson, Minneapolis, qualified in May 1880 for a pension of $2 a month because of a shell wound in his face. Sources: (MINN p535) (MCIW p67) (Ulvestad p262) (US Pension List, 1882-3. Vol 4 p552) (Pensioners on the Roll as of January 1, 1883, living in Minnesota, publ. 1994, Park Genealogical Books, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota)