WI 15th Inf Co B. Residence: Stoughton, Dane County, Wisconsin. Civil War: Age 20. Unmarried. Enlisted for three years on 26 Oct 1861 at Madison, Wisconsin, and mustered there on 16 Nov 1861. Private. Was with the division transport from Stevenson, Alabama, on 13 Oct 1863. Taken prisoner at Battle of New Hope Church, Georgia, 27 May 1864. Paroled and at Benton Barracks, St. Louis, 16 Jan 1865. Mustered out at Madison 13 Feb 1865. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 box 76-4; red book vol 20 p 30) (Buslett p381) (RWV p808) (Ager p295) (Ulvestad p282) “Fæstad, Hans” “Faestad, Hans”