IA 12th Inf Co G. Residence: Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa. Born “Ole Gunbjørnsen Nerdalspladsen” on 6 Jan 1841 in Sigdal, Buskerud, Norway, son of Gunbjørn Olsen Moen and Helge Pedersdatter Nerdalpladsen. He came to America with his widowed mother, maternal grandmother, a sister and four brothers on the bark “Drafna”,which sailed from Drammen, Buskerud, and arrived in New York on 25 Jul 1849. They came to Rock County, Wisconsin, and later to Winneshiek County. Civil War: Age 20. Enlisted 14 Oct 1861. Mustered 5 Nov 1861. Private. Missing in battle 6 Apr 1862, Shiloh, Tennessee. Mustered out 20 Jan 1866, Memphis, Tennessee. Post war: Lived in Pope County, Minnesota, where he was county treasurer. He was married in 1872 to Liv Christoffersdatter Flaten. Seven children. He died 8 Oct 1919 in Ambrose, North Dakota. Sources: (ISW-II p463) (South Dakota Historical collections, vol XVI, publ 1932, p281) (Naeseth-Hedberg ’49-1829) “Gilbertson, Ole G.”