MN 1st Battalion Inf Co D. Residence not shown. Born in Telemark, Norway, 24 Mar 1827. Came to Dodge County, Wisconsin, in 1845. He married Ingeborg Bratland (Ingebjørg Aanundsdatter Bratteland) on 15 Mar 1851. They had 9 children, the last seven born in Waseca County, Minnesota. Civil War: Age 38. Enrolled 13 Mar 1865. Mustered 15 Mar 1865. Private. Discharged from the service with his company, 14 Jul 1865. Post war: Halvor Halvorson of Rothsay, Wilkin County, Minnesota, was granted a pension of $18 a month because of a disease of the lungs. Halverson died 2 Nov 1912 of heart trouble and rheumatism. Sources: (MINN p548) (MCIW p72) (Pension List 1882-3 Vol 4 p587) (Pensioners on the Roll as of January 1, 1883, living in Minnesota, publ. 1994, Park Genealogical Books, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota) (Family group sheet provided by John H. Geiwitz, Minneota, Minnesota.) (Naeseth ’46-1397) “Hellem, Halvor Halvorsen” “Hellerod, Halvor”