IL 13th Inf Co K. Born 5 May 1835 in Sogndal, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway, son of Sjur Trondsen Hollekve and Gjertrud Torstensdatter Alme. They came to America on the “Ørnen” out of Bergen and arriving in New York on 2 Aug 1844. Civil War: Enlisted 20 Dec 1862. Corporal. Post war: The 1890 Veterans and Widows Census shows him living and dying at Urness, Douglas County, Minnesota. Died there 29 Mar 1878, age 45. Buried in Moe churchyard. His widow, Siscella Hammer (Cecilia Johannesdatter Feigum), listed him as ‘Holloque, Trom”, a Second Lieutenant. Sources: (DCHS 1890 Veterans Census card file) (Douglas County Death Index, p 220) (Obituary for Holleque, Thomas S., Alexandria, Minnesota Post, 5 Apr 1878; p 4 col 4) (Ulvestad p263) (Naeseth ’44-887) “Hollekve, Trond Sjursen” “Holleque, Thomas”