WI 15th Inf Co H. Residence: Columbia County, Wisconsin. Civil War: Age 23. Married. Commissioned Second Lieutenant on 5 Feb 1862 with rank from 17 Jan 1862. Mustered at Madison, Wisconsin, 13 Feb 1862. Resigned at Mississippi River Island No. 10 on 15 May 1862, per special order number 60 from General Halleck. Post war: Was living in Hillsboro, Traill County, North Dakota, in 1890, He died there in 1910. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 box 76-10; red book vol 20 p112) (Buslett p552) (Ulvestad p257) (Ager p308) (Quiner p 613) (1890 Veterans and Widows Census, North Dakota, No.123, roll 59)