WI 15th Inf Co D. Residence: Leland, Illinois. Civil War: Age 34. Unmarried. Enlisted for three years on 25 Feb 1862 at Madison, Wisconsin, and mustered there on 1 Mar 1862. Private. Sick at Mississippi River Island No. 10 on 11 Jun 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner at Stone’s River, Tennessee, 31 Dec 1862. Was a prisoner of war on parole at Dennison, Ohio, and at St. Louis, Missouri. Transferred to Veterans Reserve Corps on 14 Oct 1863. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 boxes 76-6, 78-3; red book vol 20 p60) (Buslett p450) (Ager p301) (Ulvestad p301) “Kittelson, Knud”