MN 2nd Inf Co E. Residence: Canfield Post Office, Minnesota. Born 11 Feb 1825 in Bygland, Aust Agder, Norway, son of Knud Evensen Besteland and Jorund Knudsdatter Langeid. Married on 7 May 1843 to Gyro Olsdatter Omblie. They and an infant daughter came to America from Valle, Aust Agder, on the “Columbus”, which sailed from Christiansand and arrived in New York on 19 Aug 1844. They settled first in Dodge County, Wisconsin; then in 1855 moved to Fillmore County, Minnesota. Civil War: Age 40. Drafted. Mustered 3 Oct 1864. Private. Discharged from the service with his regiment, 11 Jul 1865. Post war: He moved to Wood Lake Township, Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota. He died 26 Mar 1909 and was buried in Old Hanley Falls, Minnesota, cemetery. Sources: (MINN p84) (MCIW p134) (Ulvestad p302) (Naeseth ’44-1001) (Find a Grave, Memorial ID: 39267613) “Knudson, Erin” “Besteland, Eivind Knutsen”