WI 15th Inf Co C. Residence: Norway Township, Racine County, Wisconsin. Born in Fagernes, Numedal, Norway. Civil War: Age 24. Married. Enlisted for three years on 11 Oct 1861 at Madison, Wisconsin, and mustered there on 2 Dec 1861. Private. Taken prisoner at Stone’s River, Tennessee, 31 Dec 1862. Exchanged. Taken prisoner again at Chickamauga, Georgia, 19 Sep 1863. He was never heard from after that. Buslett says his information is that Knudtson was exchanged, but that records show only that he was in St. Louis, Missouri, on parole. If he were not exchanged and went into the lines again anyway, Buslett says, he would likely have been shot following his capture a second time. Absent as a prisoner of war at muster out of his Regiment. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 box 76-5; red book vol 20 p 46) (Buslett p420) (Ager p299) (Grimsrud) (Meeker) “Knudson, Knud”