WI 15th Inf Co G. Residence: Dodgeville, Iowa County, Wisconsin. Civil War: Age 33. Married. Enlisted for three years on 4 Dec 1861 at Dodgeville and mustered at Madison, Wisconsin, 13 Dec 1861. Designated Corporal 1 Jan 1862. Seriously wounded in his head at New Hope Church, Georgia, 27 May 1864, and sent to hospital. Discharged from the service with Company on 13 Jan 1865 at Chattanooga, Tennessee. Post war: In 1886, he was living in Milford, Iowa. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 box 76-9; red book vol 20 p98) (Buslett p537) (Ulvestad p264) (Ager p312) (Quiner p 629) (Meeker) (XSS Iowa p705)