IA 5th Cav Co I. Residence: Jackson County, Minnesota. Born 8 Feb 1842 in Norway. Came to America in 1852. Civil War: Age 19. Enlisted 23 Oct 1861. Mustered 1 Nov 1861. His obituary says he first enlisted in WI 11th Inf Co C; then later enlisted in the IA Fifth Cavalry. Private. Transferred to a Minnesota unit, Brackett’s Cavalry Battalion, on 25 Feb 1864. Discharged from the service 1 Jun 1866. Post war: Moved to Dane Prairie Township, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, where it was said that he harvested the first crop in that township. In 1868, he married Thora Olson. Twelve children. He died of yellow jaundice at his home in Dane Prairie on Sunday, 10 Oct 1926. Age 84. Sources: (ISW-IV p941) (Obituary, Fargus Falls [Minnesota] Daily Journal, Mon., 11 Oct 1826, p5 col 1)