WI 45th Inf Co H. Residence: Residence: Upper Coon Valley, Vernon County, Wisconsin. Enlistment credited to Alma, Buffalo County. Born in Namdalen, Norway. Civil War: Farmer. Age 21. Unmarried. Blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion, 5’9”. Enlisted for one year on 30 Sep 1864 at La Crosse, Wisconsin, and mustered there the same day. Bounty $100, $33.33 paid. Private. Mustered out 5 Jul 1865. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 box 183-11; red book vol 50) (Ulvestad p307) (“Coon Valley”, publ 1928 by Upper Coon Valley Norwegian Lutheran Church, Coon Valley, WI) “Linløkken, Simon” “Lunlokken, Simon”