WI 15th Inf. Residence: Sheboygan, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin. He was a Finn, born in Sweden; his wife was Norwegian. Veteran of the Crimean War. Civil War: Age 55. Officer. Named Assistant Surgeon of the 15th on 27 Nov 1863. Promoted to Surgeon on 6 Dec 1863, succeeding Stephen Himoe, who had resigned. Served until 2 Feb 1864. “He was an older man and a capable doctor who did not care about differences in rank.” Sources: (WHS Series 1200 boxes 76-2, 78-1; red book vol 20 p 2) (Buslett p330, photo) (Ager p237 photo; p290) (Gjertveit) (Quiner p 574, who shows Dr. Lindsfelt to be the assistant surgeon in the WI 12th Inf) “Lindsfeldt, A. F. St. Sure” “Lindsfelt, Adolph Fredrik St. Sure von”