WI 9th Inf Co K. Residence: New Holstein, Wisconsin. Civil War: Age 29. Enlisted 14 Oct 1861 at New Holstein. Mustered as Sergeant at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on 26 Nov 1861. Commissioned Second Lieutenant in B Company on 9 Feb 1863. Mustered in 14 Feb 1863. Reported to B company at St. Louis, Missouri, on 14 Jul 1863. Promoted to be First Lieutenant of Company H on 29 Aug 1863 at St. Louis, Missouri, to serve three years. Transferred to Company C, Independent Battalion. Post war: Granted a pension of $10 a month because of a wound to his head, resulting in impaired hearing. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 box 44-10; red book vol 14a p156) (“Pensioners on the Roll as of January 1, 1883 (living in Wisconsin)”, Park Genealogical Books, Roseville, Minnesota publ. 1998.)