WI 15th Inf Co F. Residence: Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa. Born 19 Nov 1840 on a cotter’s farm Hegna in Nore, Numedal, Norway, son of Nils Anderson of Skjønnepladsen, Nore, and Margit Evensdatter Saeter of Nes, Hallingdal. Came to America, reaching Iowa on 27 Jul 1861. Civil War: Unmarried. Age 21. Enlisted for three years on 20 Dec 1861 at Decorah and mustered at Madison, Wisconsin, 29 Dec 1861. Private. Wounded at Stone’s River, Tennessee, and sent to hospital in Nashville 31 Dec 1862. He was moved to Madison and discharged from there for disability due to his wounds on 2 Dec 1863. Later he enlisted for one hundred days in IL 143rd Inf Co I as a Corporal. Discharged 8 Dec 1864 at Mattoon, Illinois. Post war: Married in 1873 to Julia Gunderfinger. He lived at Postville, Iowa. In 1886, he was living in Elgin, Fayette County, Iowa. He died in Gunder, Iowa, on 15 Mar 1927. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 box 76-8; red book vol 20 p90) (Buslett p512) (Ager p196, photo; p307) (XSS Iowa p705) (Gunder History and Heritage, Publ. by Gunder Community Club, c 2000, sect. 6, p 4) “Nielson, Ole”