TX 31st Cav Co B. CSA. Born Lars Olsen Flagstad on 30 Oct 1830 in Loten, Norway. Civil War: Enlisted for the war on 2 Apr 1862 from Bosque County, Texas. Previously he had been a private in Captain J. R. Johnson’s “Prairieville Company in Kaufman County. Private. He was absent sick from May through Jun 1863. Absent with leave from the fall of 1863 until February 1864 after which he stayed absent but without leave until June 1864. Was given extra duty as a blacksmith from Dec 1864 through May 1865. Post war: Died 6 Aug 1928 in Bosque County. Sources: (“Norwegian Soldiers in Confederate Forces” by C.A.Clausen & Derwood Johnson, publ. in Norwegian-American Studies, volume 25, Northfield, Minnesota. p114) (www.borgerkrigen.info) “Oulson, Lars”