PAULSEN, Casper Andrew

TX 31st Cav Co B. CSA. Residence: Norse, Texas. Born “Kasper Andreas Poulsen Vik” on 20 Mar 1841 at Stange, Hedemarken, Norway. Civil War: Enlisted for the war on 2 Apr 1862 from Bosque County. Private. He was absent on special duty with the brigade commissary from 1 May 1863 until Aug 1863. Absent with leave from Dec 1864 until early in 1865. Post war: Died 15 Sep 1930 in Bosque County. Sources: (“Norwegian Soldiers in Confederate Forces” by C.A.Clausen & Derwood Johnson, publ. in Norwegian-American Studies, volume 25, Northfield, Minnesota. p115) (Ulvestad p320) ( “Poulson, George” “Poulson, Casper”