MN Mounted Rangers, 1st Regiment, Co A. Residence: Spring Grove, Houston County, Minnesota. Born 18 Oct 1838 in Hadeland, Hamar Parish, Norway. Came to America in 1854. Indian War: Age 24. Enrolled 9 Oct 1862. Mustered the same day. Private. Promoted to Corporal. Discharged from the service with his company, 20 Oct 1863. Two years later, on 15 Feb 1865, he enlisted in the MN Heavy Artillery, Co L. Mustered the same day. Private. Discharged from the service with his company on 27 Sep 1865. Post war: He settled at Spring Grove. Elected twice to the Minnesota Legislature. Held various Houston County offices. Married in 1869 to Gunhilde Brubraaten. Seven children. Died in Spring Grove, in 1880. Sources: (MINN p617,636) (MCIW p526,636) (Ulvestad p265) (“History of the Scandinavians in the United States” by O. N. Nelson, Publ. in Minneapolis, 1893. p571) (“Spring Grove, Minnesota’s First Norwegian Settlement” by Chad Muller, publ by Arcadia Publishing, Chicago IL; p19)