WI 15th Inf Co A. Residence: Chicago, Illinois. Born “Henrik Anker Bjerregaard Ziegler” at Stade in Vaage, Gudbrandsdalen, Norway. He was son of Captain U. R. Ziegler. Young Henry came to U. S. in 1858. Civil War: Age 30. Unmarried. Enlisted 27 Sep 1861 as Sergeant. Mustered 15 Dec 1861. Promoted to First Sergeant. Commissioned as a Lieutenant on 8 Jan 1862 and detached from Company to serve as Provost Marshall at General Davis’ First division headquarters. Commissioned First Lieutenant 16 Dec 1862 at Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Detached 13 Oct 1863 to take command over the escort for the provision transport from Stevenson, Alabama, to Chattanooga. Sick in hospital at Chattanooga. Given leave from hospital on 24 Dec 1863. Sick in hospital 25 Jun 1864. Commissioned as Captain but never mustered as such. Mustered out as First Lieutenant on 20 Dec 1864 at Chattanooga. Sources: (WHS Series 1200 box 76-3; red book vol 20 p14) (Buslett p340, p360, photo) (Lonn p319) (Ager p267, photo; p290) (Meeker) (email, Harold Kjode, Molde, Norway)