WI 37th Inf Co A. Residence: Spring Green, Sauk County, Wisconsin. Born in Heddal, Telemark, Norway, on 30 Jan 1832. Emigrated. Married 21 Jun 1856 to Gunhild Gulliksdatter Kolsrud, who had come to America from Sigdal in 1852. Four children. Civil War: Farmer and miner. Private. Died 19 Sep 1864 at Fort Schuyler, New York. Buried in Cypress Hills National Cemetery, Long Island, New York. Gunhild married again in 1875 at Colfax, Wisconsin, to Iver Martinson, and they moved to Norman County, Minnesota. Sources: (Naeseth vol 3 p64) “Traaserud, Anund Olsen”,