Gold Medals In: Woodworking, 2018 and Knifemaking, 2019

  • Life Dates Born 1959 in Albion Nebraska
  • Occupation Service specialist for a natural gas company
  • Residence at Time of Award Atkinson, Nebraska


  • 2016 Red ribbon a plate with kolrosing (woodworking)
  • 2017 Blue ribbon for a “sakarias” shaving box with kolrosing (woodworking)
  • 2018 Blue ribbon for a shaving box with kolrosing (woodworking)
  • 2018 Blue ribbon for a work knife (knifemaking)
  • 2019 Blue ribbon for a Sámi-stole knife (knifemaking)
  • 2019 Red ribbon for a fillet knife (knifemaking)

Artist Statement

Growing up, I was surrounded by Norwegian folk art. My mother was a wheat weaver and my father was a chip carver. I did not realize it was Norwegian or folk art. Then I came to Vesterheim and my eyes were opened. I had no idea this world existed and I am so happy and honored to be part of it.

My Ancestors immigrated to the United States from Utsira, Norway, in 1891. Utsira is a small island located in the North Sea, southwest of Haugesund. Life was very tough on a rock in the North Sea, so they traveled west to their new home by Newman Grove, Nebraska.

We now live by Atkinson, Nebraska, at the edge of the Sandhills between the Elkhorn and Niobrara Rivers. My wife Marlene and I have three children and seven grandchildren. I work full time as a service specialist for a natural gas company. The phrase that best sums me up is – just happy to be here.

In March of 2016 I discovered kolrosing, when I attended a class at Vesterheim, instructed by Darlene Fossum-Martin. Kolrosing soon became a passion. I started carving items for kolrosing, and one passion feed the other. For me this was the perfect match of two disciplines.

I have made a few knives over the years, and have always been fascinated with old knives and their history. Who’s was it? What was it used for? Could they have lived without it?

I took my first formal knifemaking class from Gene Tokheim in 2017. I was captivated by the beauty, elegance, and durability of Norwegian knives. I have taken classes from four instructors—Gene Tokheim, KJ Groven, Olav Mortensen, and Jon Roisen. The knives I make are an inspired culmination of the knowledge they shared with me.