Gold Medal In: Woodworking, 2003

  • Life Dates Born 1929, Washburn, Wisconsin. Died 2011
  • Occupation Grocery and Produce sales
  • Residence at Time of Award Boise, Idaho


  • 1990 Red ribbon for a plate with chip-carving
  • 1991 Red ribbon for a bowl with chip-carving
  • 2001 White ribbon for a chip-carved mangletre
  • 2002 Red ribbon for a plate
  • 2003 Red ribbon for a chip-carved bowl

Artist Statement

My involvement with my field of Norwegian art originated from my interest in Norwegian folk art and my membership in Sons of Norway. This Norwegian folk art speaks to my identity in that my Grandfather and Grandmother Lund were originally from Norway. Harley Refsal, Rolf Taraldset, and Knut Arnesen have influenced my art the most.

The Vesterheim adventures, classes, and Nordic Fests have been very special. The things I’ve learned and projects I’ve accomplished are great. I didn’t think I could ever achieve a Gold Medal, which, in the beginning, was not a goal. My goal was to learn the Norwegian carving and be able to carve. Luck has been with me and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. Thanks to Vesterheim and Decorah.