RYE, Knute T.
MN 1st Battalion Inf Co A. Residence not shown. Born in Norway. Civil War: Age 24. Enrolled 29 Feb 1864. Mustered the same day. Private.…
Civil War: Private. Post war: Cass County, North Dakota. Sources: (Ulvestad p326)
WI 50th Inf Co K. Residence: Strong’s Prairie, Adams County, Wisconsin. Born 2 Feb 1847 in Faaberg, Gudbrandsdal, Norway, a son of Arne Rustad. Came…
RUSTAD, Mortin
WI 12th Inf Co G. Born “Marten Simonsen Rustad” on 26 Oct 1839 at Nordre Rustaden, in Faaberg, Oppland, Norway. He was the son of…
RUSE, Andrew
MN 11th Inf Co A. Residence not shown. Born in Norway. Civil War: Age 44. Enrolled 24 Aug 1864. Mustered the same day. Private. Discharged…
RUSS, Claus C.
IA 2nd Cav Co L. Residence: Clinton County, Iowa. Born in Denmark. Civil War: Age 25. Enlisted 24 Aug 1861. Mustered 2 Sep 1861. Private.…