MN 2nd Battery Lt Arty. Residence: Winona County, Minnesota. Born 1830 in Norway. Civil War: Age 30. Black eyes, sandy hair, fair complexion, 5’9”. Enrolled for three years on 27 Feb 1864 at Caledonia, Minnesota. Mustered the same day. Recruit. Private. Discharged from the service with the battery, 16 Aug 1865. Post war: Married to Anne on 24 Jul 1866. Four children. Moved to Chippewa County, Minnesota. Died on 14 Aug 1904 while visiting one of his children in Rugby, Pierce County, North Dakota. Death due to kidney disease. He was 74. Buried in the Lutheran Churchyard at Tunsberg, Chippewa County. Sources: (MINN p796) (MCIW p666) (Newsletter “Action Front”, publication of the Second Minnesota Battery Ass’n, Circular No. 97, Feb 2003. Copy in Anoka Historical Society Library, Anoka Minnesota) “Allickson, Sundov”