MN Hv Arty 1st Reg Co A. Residence Pilot Mound, Fillmore County, Minnesota. Born 2 Feb 1840 at Tondra Sogn Nass in Norway. Civil War: Age 24 [or 29]. Enrolled 22 Sep 1864. Mustered the same day. Private. Discharged from the service with his company on 20 Jun 1865. Post war: Died of pneumonia at age 80 on 4 May 1920 at Lake Preston, South Dakota, and is buried in the cemetery there, block 5, lot 18, grave 4. Sources: (MINN p570) (MCIW p615) (“History of Fillmore County”, publ 1912, p152) (SDSHS, WPA Veterans Graves Registration, Kingsbury County)