MN 11th Inf Co A. Residence: Not shown. Born in Norway. Civil War: Age 34. Enrolled 24 Aug 1864. Mustered the same day. Private. Discharged…


MN 11th Inf Co A. Residence not shown. Born in Norway. Civil War: Age 30. Enrolled 15 Sep 1864. Mustered the same day. Recruit. Private.…


MN 11th Inf Co A. Residence not shown. Norwegian, born in Norway; military records list Sweden. Civil War: Age 27. Enrolled 24 Aug 1864. Mustered…

RUSE, Andrew

MN 11th Inf Co A. Residence not shown. Born in Norway. Civil War: Age 44. Enrolled 24 Aug 1864. Mustered the same day. Private. Discharged…

SOLEM, Henrick O.

MN 11th Inf Co A. Residence not shown. Born in Norway. Civil War: Age 28. Enrolled 20 Aug 1864. Mustered the same day. Recruit. Private.…


MN 11th Inf Co A. Residence not shown. Born in Norway. Civil War: Age 29. Enrolled 24 Aug 1864. Mustered the same day. Private. Promoted…