LARSON, Christopher

WI 33rd Inf Co H. Residence: Blanchardville, Lafayette County, Wisconsin. Born in Norway. Civil War: Farmer. Age 19. Unmarried. Blue eyes, black hair, swarthy complexion,…

LARSON, Andrew

WI Hv Arty Co B. Residence: Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Born in Norway. Civil War: Goldsmith. Age 20. Unmarried. Blue eyes, light hair, light complexion, 5’5”. Enlisted…

LARSON, Andrew

WI 16th Inf Co H. Residence: Eau Claire, Eau Claire County, Wisconsin. Born in Norway. Civil War: Farmer. Age 30. Gray eyes, brown hair, fair…

LARSON, Andrew

WI 47th Inf Co D. Residence: New Hope, Portage County, Wisconsin. Born in Norway. Civil War: Farmer. Age 42. Married. Blue eyes, black hair, light…

LARSON, Andrew

WI 30th Inf Co D. Residence: Martell, Pierce County, Wisconsin. Born 4 Aug 1840 in Norway. Came to America with his parents in 1852, to…


Civil War: Post war: Buried at Jefferson Prairie, Clinton, Wisconsin; stone reads “1829 – 1909”. Sources: (Wisconsin Cemetery Records)

LARSEN, Torben

From Tromo near Arendal, Norway. Civil War: Private. Post war: Lived at Iola, Wisconsin. Sources: (Ulvestad p305)

LARSEN, Torger

Residence: Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Civil War: Private. Promoted to Captain during the battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. Sources: (Ulvestad p255)


WI 20th Inf Co G. Residence: Deerfield, Dane County, Wisconsin. Born 14 Jul 1836 in Boe, Voss, Norway. Came to America in 1857 to Chicago,…


WI 14th Inf. Residence: Bergen, Vernon County, Wisconsin. Born at Sondre Tron, Gudbrandsdalen, Norway. Civil War: Farmer. Age 43. Blue eyes, brown hair, dark complexion,…


From Hadeland, Norway. Civil War: Private. Post war: Lived at Blanchardville, Wisconsin. Sources: (Ulvestad p305)


WI 45th Inf Co E. Residence: Vermont, Dane County, Wisconsin. Enlistment credited to Blue Mounds, Dane County. Born in Norway. Civil War: Farmer. Age 21.…