[searchandfilter id="3606"]
  • Date 1865-1880
  • Place of Origin New Hope, WI
  • Creator Mathea Norde

This calico Log Cabin quilt was made in the Barn Raising configuration. The center square in each block is red, though many have faded. The quilt had finely striped red and white cotton backing that is folded to the front along the sides to make a binding, A narrow red calico binding was added to the top and bottom of the quilt. There is not any batting, quilting, or tying.

The quilt is believed to be made by the donor’s grandmother, Mathea Norde, while she waited for her fiance John Olson Wrolstad to return from the Civil War.

  • Materials Cotton
  • Dimensions length: 73 inches, width: 72.25 inches
  • Identifier / Source 2000.026.001 - Gift of Florence Oligney